Nancy McIntyre

Over the years, most of my silkscreens have depicted man-made places, like well-worn storefronts and porches. I’ve tried to persuade viewers to find the beauty of ordinary places, especially when seen in a certain light. More recently, my focus has turned to natural subjects, in particular skies and birds. With these subjects, anyone can see their inherent beauty, so long as we look for it.

I take photographs for reference, and then in the studio try to recreate how the light hit, how the air felt, at the moment I was there. In my silkscreens, hand-painted and hand-drawn stencils are printed layer upon layer. A typical layer is made up of different transparent colors fading into each other. There’s no choice but to print all my own editions; it is only during the printing that the images evolve, as the process itself gives me ideas beyond my initial visual thinking.

Printers proofs of silkscreen Georgetown Ben & Jerry’s